Reliable Experience in CPS Cases

Child Protective Services (CPS)

The mandate of CPS is to protect the health and well-being of children. When CPS officials receive an indication from a source that child abuse has occurred, a worker is immediately assigned to the case. When a parent receives official notification of a CPS investigation, they have the right to ask the case worker to produce a state-issued identification card. The parent will also be provided with the case worker’s contact information. The case worker is not permitted to share the name of the individual who filed the child abuse report.

A Child Protective Services case worker has the power to access criminal and mental health records for anyone who is alleged to have abused a child. Moreover, the CPS investigator is entitled to speak with other children living in the home or anyone who might have information about the alleged child abuse. If necessary, the child who is alleged to have been abused can be referred to a medical or mental health professional. If you are faced with the involvement of CPS in your family situation, Aida Rojas is a lawyer you can trust. She can advise you to ensure that every effort is made to protect your rights and the safety of your child.

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